Sunday 4 December 2011

Meeting 11

Members present: All
Topics discussed: Final locations
We had determined as a group that our final location shots were: the hut and a study room. However, we did go through a long process of decision as we had a lot of different ideas and we disagreed on locations a lot as a group. Beth was set on using the big oak tree for our final draft, whereas Lewis wanted to use a scenic walk way; I was unsure altogether as to where we should shoot it.

After travelling to each different location and performing on set to get a proper feel for how the scenes would work, we came across a place called 'the hut' - a beautiful and idealic little wooden hut in a scenic area; it seemed like the perfect place to shoot most of our scenes for our trailer.

We then had to come up with another location in which we would shoot the scene in which the female lead returns to school where the male lead is studying - it was a clear winner from the start as we all agreed on choosing a huge study room for this small scene.


We chose the hut as we felt it was a romantic and slightly childlike place, bringing together the childhood sweetheart aspect of our trailer together.
We chose the study room as it was a fairly large room and we invisioned it with a lot of people in, juxtaposing the delicate and secluded atmosphere of the hut - we felt it would also create a perfect situation for when Lewis, the male lead, would meet Ciara again, the female lead.

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